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Brazil Healthcare Market Expansion

Brazil is on of the BRIC countries and when it comes to diagnostic imaging, the BRIC countries are the ideal target

As time goes by countries change some for the better and some for the worst. Government structures change and with that so too does healthcare. With the economic progress of other countries there has been an increase in healthcare markets. A great example is Brazil, whose strong economic growth and drive for better public healthcare is driving a Brazil healthcare market expansion in the diagnostic imaging system market.

Brazil is on of the BRIC countries and when it comes to diagnostic imaging, the BRIC countries are the ideal target. While the projection of diagnostic imaging is forecasting industry growth to over 26 billion dollars in just a few short years, this development may heighten those numbers. In a study by the millennium group it was stated that part of the growth is attributed to a growing middle class that’s demanding a stronger healthcare system. The actual demographics are favorable to growth, it’s an aging and unhealthy population that’s currently growing steadily.

In a related story by it was stated that as the economy grows and recovers there will be a greater push in healthcare. The push in healthcare signifies that there is an increase in buying power for diagnostic imaging equipment. There is room and demand for various modalities from MRIs to CT Scanners. While this type of growth is promising, it takes time to fully be seen like most growth does.

Manufacturers such as GE and Phillips are setting up domestic manufacturing facilities, no doubt spurred on by the growth in Brazil. This move gives the manufacturers a market advantage because it helps them avoid what can turn into astronomical transportation costs. The demand in healthcare equipment will also bring a demand for equipment in the refurbished sector, giving exporters the opportunity to find new distribution channels that will likely beef up their business and even help local economy, much like in the Philippines.

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The medical technologies sector’s growth is a positive sign that the world economy has the potential to be bolstered by emerging markets. Eventually other regions outside the BRIC countries will begin presenting a need that that will give provider countries a chance to increase their market shares in medical technology. This is the kind of news that provides hope for progress in many areas.

If you have any questions about diagnostic imaging equipment such as MRIs, CT scanners, and X-Ray machines, please feel free to call us. We here at Amber Diagnostics look forward to taking your call and answering any questions you may have.

Bobby Serros




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