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Diagnostic Imaging and Active Surveillance

Imaging procedures are still necessary to ensure that the patient is well and that there are no unexpected turns

The word surveillance conjures up images of police officers sitting somewhere with binoculars, about to nab a bad guy. You really don’t think of diagnostic imaging of when you think of active surveillance. You also don’t think of your prostate when you think of active surveillance. Active surveillance is the new way to keep track of early stage prostate cancer as opposed to aggressive treatment. Aggressive treatment means radiation therapy and surgery.

Active surveillance is basically an online way to keep track of what’s going on. Part of what’s good about active surveillance is the fact that it includes active participation from the patient and the doctor. Active surveillance is great, and according to studies it does not have a greater mortality rate than aggressive treatment. The next question is what will this do to urology rooms?

Urology systems serve a purpose greater than just checking for prostate cancer and helping with treatment programs. There are a lot of physicians that use urology systems more for that specialized purpose and usually look into systems for that purpose. Chances are that this won’t really affect the urology system market at all.

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The fact is that right now only about 20% of prostate cancer patients are engaged in active surveillance. Even if the 20% number grows to something greater, an imaging procedure is still necessary to ensure that the patient is well and that there are no unexpected turns. While advocacy for active surveillance will grow here in the states along with prostate cancer monitoring, chances are that the international market will not really change all that much.

It’s great to see that patients are no able to play a greater role in the decisions that are made with regards to how they are treated. Hopefully the future will bring something positive in terms of cancer.

If you have any questions about urology systems please feel free to give us a call. Our team of experts here at Amber Diagnostics looks forward to answering your questions and helping you find the system that’s right for you.


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